Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clark Manson

Sometimes it's a favorite, a re-tweet, or just my sister. But lately, I've had good reason to get excited when my phone 'whistles' at me!

This time, it was Clark Manson. I went to his page and began to read some of the #tweets. One especially caught my eye. "Who's ready for fall? #bonfires" - that right there let me know just what kinda guy this was! Next, I took to iTunes. Downloading "Falling". Great song! Then, YouTube. That's where I was able to see what this guy was all about. Standing there in blue jeans, a hoodie, boots, and a backwards hat, with a bud light in his hand! I like him already!! Standing there, just having fun. Singing Georgia Satellites "Keep your hands to yourself". Excellent song, not easy to cover, vocally! But he managed to pull it off!

Unfortunately, we'll all have to wait til' Fall before we (those of us in South Louisiana who can't see him live) can hear anything new. But with his album slated to hit shelves in a few months, I have a feeling that his music will definitely be on my Saturday-night, bonfire, cold beer, and a hoodie, playlist!

I can't quite put my finger on it, because obviously I'm still kind of in the dark as far as what this kid is really capable of. But ya know when you hear somebody who just has "that thing"? Okay.... well he's got it. Whatever 'it' is... he's most definitely rockin' it. 

If you know me personally, you're aware that Fall is my favorite time of year. For the above mentioned reasons, of course. Bonfires, cold beer, and hoodies. Not to mention my Texas Longhorn and Dallas Cowboy football!! - But now I'm in great anticipation for Mr. Clark Manson's new album!! 

You can find out more information about Clark by visiting:

You can follow him on Twitter - @clarkmanson

Check out "Running with the night" on YouTube

His single "Falling" is also available on iTunes

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